Random Moments in a Wintery Weekend
June 9, 2011
I love the following location, it would be great for a portrait or engagement shoot with an urban, autumn style.
The image on the left is one Emily took, I really like the ‘dark, moody’ feel to it.
Telegraph poles. Appreciate your leaning towards these for communicating your personal photographic expressions! I have a growing collection from my own camera, taken in various situations, walks of life, weather etc. Luv em.
Love those beautiful roses images too, especially the bright red and white one.
re Photo Emily had taken – it would be interesting to compare the same branches/twigs in Spring Emily. A little photo project for you in a few months that I’d love to see. Hard to imagine that buds and leaf shoots will appear. Presume the tree is local somewhere, if not in the garden there. Beaut photo.